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Identicar Vehicle Label System


Tri-PAC’s Identicar

Product History

In 2005, Tri-PAC developed Identicar with IdentiTheft, which is a fully managed and insured program designed to help your customer recover from a stolen vehicle or stolen identity.

Identicar provides your customer with two levels of financial benefits if their vehicle is stolen and not recovered. With Level 1 the vehicle benefit is paid directly to your customer. Level 2 vehicle benefit is paid directly to you the selling dealer, driving your customer back to your dealership to purchase their replacement vehicle.

Tri-PAC’s IdentiTheft program recovers your consumers identity to 100% pre-event status ensuring their ability to return to your dealership for future vehicle purchases.

Product Highlights

Identicar Options


  • $2,500 Total Benefit
  • $1,000 to the customer, plus additional
  • $1,500 upon returning to selling dealer

For More Info Call: 877-963-9372